Terms & conditions

The property data are indicative and should always be confirmed in official documents to be provided by the owner or official authorities;

GOLDENGATE POWER and its offices do not undertake to respond to all requests for information requested by users of the website;

The information that users provide on the site may be used by GOLDENGATE POWER and its partners for statistical purposes and for actions to promote services and products directly and indirectly related to the real estate mediation activity.

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The information made available on this web site can be viewed, copied, printed and distributed exclusively for non-commercial use, and provided that it contains in all copies, the above copyright notice. This information can also be used for the purpose of placing a purchase order. The content of this website cannot be modified or reinterpreted in order to be protected under another copyright, patent, trademark or registration of intellectual property that does not belong to GOLDENGATE POWER

The information available on the website www.thegoldengate.pt may contain some technical inaccuracy or typographical error. Consequently, GOLDENGATE POWER does not assume responsibility, in any form, for any direct, indirect, incidental or collateral damage resulting from the visit to its pages, namely the loss of data, loss of revenue or other income, and interruption of derived business processes. the use or inability to use the information on this site.

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